Antiboycott Advice Line:
Phone: (202) 482-2381
Fax: (202) 482-0913
or by Email
Following are recent examples of boycott requests that have been reported to the Office of Antiboycott Compliance. These examples are illustrative and not exhaustive. Companies should call our advice line (202) 482-2381 with questions concerning these or any request to comply with restrictive trade practices or boycotts.
Prohibited Boycott Condition in a Purchase Order:
"In the case of overseas suppliers, this order is placed subject to the suppliers being not on the Israel boycott list published by the central Arab League."
Reportable boycott condition in an importer’s purchase order:
"Goods of Israeli origin not acceptable."
Reportable boycott condition in a letter of credit:
"A signed statement from the shipping company, or its agent, stating the name, flag and nationality of the carrying vessel and confirming . that it is permitted to enter Arab ports."
Prohibited Boycott Condition in a Contract:
"Israeli Clause: The Seller shall not supply goods or materials which have been manufactured or processed in Israel nor shall the services of any Israeli organization be used in handling or transporting the goods or materials."
Prohibited Condition in a Contract:
"The Contractor shall comply in all respects with the requirements of the laws of the State of Bahrain relating to the boycott of Israel. Goods manufactured by companies blacklisted by the Arab Boycott of Israel Office may not be imported into the State of Bahrain and must not be supplied against this Contract. For information concerning the Boycott List, the Contractor can approach the nearest Arab Consulate."
Prohibited Condition in a Letter of Credit:
"Buyer shall in no way contravene the regulations issued by Bahrain Government and or Israel Boycott Office. Buyer shall not nominate a vessel blacklisted by the said office."
Prohibited Boycott Condition in instructions to bidders on a contract:
"No produced commodity shall be eligible for . financing if such commodity contains any component or components which were imported into the producing country from Israel and countries not eligible to trade with . the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. The equipment and materials must not be of Israeli origin. The supplier/bidder who are not black listed by Arab boycott of Israel will be allowed to participate in this bid."
Prohibited Boycott Conditions in a Questionnaire:
"1. Do you have or ever have had a branch or main company, factory or assembly plant in Israel or have sold to an Israeli?"
"2. Do you have or ever have had general agencies or offices in Israel for your Middle Eastern or international operations?"
"3. Have you ever granted the right of using your name, trademarks royalty, patent, copyright or that of any of your subsidiaries to Israeli persons or firms?"
"4. Do you participate or ever participated or owned shares in an Israeli firm or business?"
"5. Do you render now or ever have rendered any consultative service or technical assistance to any Israeli firm or business?"
"6. Do you represent now or ever have represented any Israeli firm or business or abroad?"
"7. What companies in whose capital are your shareholders?" Please state the name and nationality of each company and the percentage of share of their total capital."
"8. What companies or shareholders in your capital? Please state the name and nationality of each company and the percentage of share of their total capital."
"N.B. The above questions should be answered on behalf of the company itself and all of its branch companies, if any."
Prohibited Condition in a Contract:
"The Contractor shall, throughout the continuance of the Contract, abide by and comply in all respects with the rules and instructions issued from time to time by the Israel Boycott Office in Iraq."
Prohibited Conditions in a Trademark Application:
“Requirement for the registration of pharmaceutical companies:
“Requirement for the Registration of Medical Appliances, Disposables producing companies, and Laboratory diagnostic kit manufacturers:
Prohibited Condition in a Purchase Order:
"Supplies of our purchase order should never be consigned or shipped by steamers included on Israel Boycott list."
Prohibited Condition in a Contract:
"The bill of lading shall bear a note that the vessel delivering the cargo is not on the "Black List" and does not call at Israeli ports."
Prohibited Boycott Condition in a Custom’s document:
"[The vessel entry document asks the ship’s captain to certify that,] no goods, dry cargo, or personal effects listed on the document of Israeli origin or manufactured by a blacklisted firm or company are to be landed as they will be subject to confiscation."
Prohibited Boycott Condition in Letter of Credit:
"We hereby certify that the beneficiaries, manufacturers, exporters and transferees of this credit are neither blacklisted nor have any connection with Israel, and that the terms and conditions of this credit in no way contravenes the law pertaining to the boycott of Israel and the decisions issued by the Israel Boycott Office."
Reportable Boycott Condition in Letter of Credit:
"Importation of goods from Israel is strictly prohibited by Kuwait import regulations; therefore, certificate of origin covering goods originating in Israel is not acceptable."
Prohibited Condition in a Purchase Order:
“All shipments under this order shall comply with Israel Boycott Office Rules and Regulations.”
Prohibited Condition in a Purchase Order:
“Goods must not be shipped on vessels/carriers included in the Israeli Boycott list.”
Prohibited Conditions in a Contract:
“The vendor (as person or organization) or his representatives should not be an Israeli national. So the vendor should not be owned, managed, or represented by any companies that carry an Israeli nationality and there should not be any sub-contractors that carry Israeli nationality.
The vendor should not involve any person or representatives that carries the Israeli nationality in importing or exporting the software or hardware mentioned in this contract and its appendices and the vendor should provide all documents that support the above information.”
Prohibited Boycott Condition in Power of Attorney from Lebanese firm:
A Lebanese firm sent a power of attorney affidavit to appoint a local agent in Iraq to a U.S. firm. The affidavit asked that U.S. firm answer a series of questions concerning the Arab boycott. These questions included whether the firm had a plant in Israel, has sold to Israel, had offices in Israel, owned shares in an Israeli firm, had provided services for an Israeli firm, or had granted any trademarks, copy or patent rights to Israeli persons of firms.
Reportable Boycott Condition in letter of credit:
"Certificate issued by the shipping company or its agent testifying that the carrying vessel is allowed to enter the Lebanese port. "
Prohibited Condition in a Letter of Credit:
"Original commercial invoice signed and certified by the beneficiary that the goods supplied are not manufactured by either a company or one of its subsidiary branches who are blacklisted by the Arab boycott of Israel or in which Israeli capital is invested."
Prohibited Condition in a Contract:
"The Second Party shall observe the provisions of the Law for Boycott of Israel or any other State which the provisions for Boycott are applicable and shall ensure such observation from any other sub-contractor. In case of contravening this condition, the First Party shall have the right to cancel the contract and confiscate the deposit by mere notice by registered letter without prejudice to his right of compensation."
Prohibited Condition in a Contract:
"Boycott Provisions: The Contractor shall observe and comply with all the provisions and decisions concerning the boycott to Israel or any other country the same is valid. The Contractor shall secure the respect of such boycott by any other party he might have subcontracted with him."
Prohibited Condition in a Certificate of Origin:
"The goods being exported are of national origin of the producing country and the goods do not contain any components of Israeli origin, whatever the proportion of such component is. We, the exporter, declare that the company producing the respective commodity is not an affiliate to or mother of any company that appears on the Israeli boycott blacklist and also, we the exporter, have no direct or indirect connection with Israel and shall act in compliance with the principles and regulations of the Arab boycott of Israel."
Prohibited Condition in a Tender:
"The supplier must comply with the Israel boycott conditions."
Prohibited Condition in a Tender:
"All goods to be supplied as a part of this order must comply with the Israel boycott rules stipulated by the Royal Oman Police."
Prohibited Condition in purchase order:
"The vendor must ensure that all products supplied do not contravene the regulations in force with regard to the boycott of Israel."
Prohibited Condition in a Contract:
"The certificate of origin must contain the following statement: We certify that the goods are neither of Israeli origin no do they contain any Israeli materials."
Prohibited Condition in a Purchase Order:
"Commercial invoice, duly signed by shipper covering value of the goods and containing statement ‘The goods are neither Israeli origin, nor do they contain any Israeli material."
Prohibited Condition in a Letter of Credit:
"Certificate issued by the air company/agent that it is not blacklisted by the Arab League boycott committee."
Prohibited Boycott Conditions in a Contract:
"The (tenders) committee may also exclude any bid that does not abide by the provisions of the commercial and economic laws and the provisions of the law of boycott of Israel applicable in the state."
"[A certificate required stating] that the items have not been manufactured in Israel and that any of the components thereof have not been manufactured in Israel."
Prohibited Condition in a Contract:
"Certificate issued by the manufacturer or exporter stating that the goods are not of Israeli origin, have not been exported from Israel, and do not contain any Israeli materials."
Prohibited Boycott Condition in a Purchase Order:
"Goods/equipment subject to Israeli Boycott terms, must not be quoted."
Prohibited Boycott Condition in a Letter of Credit:
"Under no circumstances may a bank listed in the Arab Israeli Boycott Black List be permitted to negotiate this Documentary Credit."
Prohibited Boycott Condition in a Contract:
"Vendor shall comply with the Israel boycott laws in performing his contractual obligations."
Prohibited Boycott Condition in a Contract:
"The seller warrants that no supplier or manufacturer or any part of the product is precluded from doing business with Saudi Arabia under the terms of the Arab boycott regulations."
Reportable Boycott Condition in list of documents required by a freight forwarder:
"Certificate from insurance company stating that they are not blacklisted."
Prohibited Boycott Condition in a Purchase Order:
"Following statement should appear at foot of invoice: We hereby certify that these goods are not of Israeli Origin nor do they contain materials of Israeli origin and they are manufactured by…."
Prohibited Boycott Condition in a Contract:
"The Contractor whether an Establishment or Company, National or Foreign, shall not import or enter into Agreement with any Foreign Company or Establishment as Sub-Contractor particularly if such Company did not have previous dealing in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, except after contacting the Regional office of the Arab Boycott to Israel, or one of the two Sub-Offices of the Ministry of Commerce at Jeddah or Dammam, to ensure of the status of the said Foreign Company, in light of the Rules and orders issued by the office of the Arab Boycott of Israel."
Prohibited Boycott Condition in a Contract:
"Israeli Boycott: The Contractor shall apply all rules of the Israeli Boycott."
Prohibited Boycott Conditions in a Boycott Questionnaire:
Has the company/corporation engaged in or conducted business in Israel?
Does the company/corporation or its subsidiary have an office, facility or business operation in Israel?"
Prohibited Boycott Condition in a Tender:
"The quotation should not include any material manufactured or exported by Boycotted companies as per the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia regulations."
Prohibited Boycott Condition in a Tender:
"Eligible Bidders: The bidder/supplier who are not subject to the Boycott regulations of the League of Arab States or of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will only be considered."
Prohibited Boycott Conditions (requests for information) in a trademark application form:
"Do you or any of your subsidiaries now or ever had a branch of main company factory or assembly plant in Israel? . do you have or any of your subsidiaries now or ever had general agencies or offices in Israel for your Middle Eastern or international operations? . what companies are you shareholders in their capital? State the name of each company and the percentage of share to their total capital – and the nationality of each one? .
Prohibited Condition in a Tender:
"Offeror must not be included by the provisions of Arab Boycott of Israel."
Prohibited Condition in a Tender:
"Declaration showing that the bidder doesn’t own any factory, establishment, or a branch office in Israel, neither he is a partner in any establishment or organization, nor a party in any contract for manufacturing, assembling, licensing or technical assistance with any organization or establishment in Israel and he should not practice such activity in Israel whether personally or through any mediator. He should not participate in any way in supporting Israel or its military efforts."
Prohibited Condition in a Purchase Order:
"A declaration that the goods contracted upon have no Israeli origin and that no Israeli raw materials is used in its producing manufacturing or preparing of the goods."
Prohibited Boycott Condition in a Contract:
"Tenderer shall verify on his own responsibility the laws and regulations which apply to the performance of the services, including the boycott of Israel."
Prohibited Boycott Condition in an invitation to bid:
"Documents to accompany tenders [include] the declaration and Israel boycott certificate. It states the tenderer must accompany his offer with the following, written signed declaration. We declare that we are a company which is not owned by any companies that have violated the approved rules of the boycott and that we do not own or participate in companies that are in violation of the approved rules of the boycott. Further, we do not have, nor does any of the companies that are considered to be a parent company or a branch of ours, any dealings with any Israeli party, whether directly or indirectly. Furthermore, a certificate issued by the Israel boycott office confirming that neither the supplier nor the manufacturer are blacklisted, should also be accompanied."
Prohibited Boycott Conditions in a Tender:
"Declaration and Israel Boycott Certificate: We ___________ (Name of Company) on behalf of all branches, declare that we are a company which is not owned by any companies that have violated the approved rules of the Boycott and that we do not own or participate in companies that are in violation of the approved rules of the Boycott.
Further, we do not have nor does any of the companies that are considered to be a parent company or branch of ours, any dealings with any Israeli Party whether directly or indirectly.
Furthermore, a Certificate issued by the Israel Boycott office, confirming that neither the supplier nor the manufacturer are blacklisted, should also be accompanied."
Prohibited Boycott Condition in a Tender:
"Certificate of Origin: The Contractor shall undertake to furnish the Purchaser with a Certificate of Origin, to accompany each invoice. This shall certify that the equipment is not of Israeli origin."
Prohibited Boycott Conditions in a Tender:
"Boycott of Israel: Seller and his assignees shall abide by and strictly observe all regulations and instructions in force from time to time by the League of Arab States regarding the Boycott of Israel especially those related to blacklisted companies, ships and persons.
No materials shall be procured which has been wholly or partially manufactured by the blacklisted company."
Prohibited Boycott Condition in a Letter of Credit:
"On no conditions may a bank listed on the Arab Israeli Boycott list be permitted to negotiate this credit."
Prohibited Boycott Condition in a Letter of Credit Application:
"We certify that neither the beneficiaries nor the suppliers of goods and services are subject to boycott."
Prohibited Boycott Condition in a Letter of Credit Application:
"We also certify that to the best of our knowledge the beneficiaries have no connection with Israel and that the terms of this credit in no way contravene the regulations issued by the Israel Boycott Office or local government regulations."
Prohibited Boycott Condition in a Contract:
"Buyer shall adhere to and implement the Arab Embargo and Boycott Regulations issued and revised from time to time by the [Arab country]."
Prohibited Boycott Condition in a Tender:
"Tenders shall include the following statement in their tenders: We certify that neither our principle manufacturers Messrs.: ______________ nor any of the components’ manufacturers, is blacklisted by the Arab Boycott Office."
"NB: the above statement should be completed with the name of your manufacturer."
Prohibited Boycott Condition in a Contract:
"Boycott of Israel: The Contractor shall observe and abide by all rules and regulations concerning the boycotting of Israel."
Prohibited Boycott Condition in a Tender:
"Quotation should not include items manufactured by firms who are under Israeli Boycott list."
Prohibited Boycott Condition in a Purchase Order:
"Applicable Laws/Boycott of Israel: All relevant laws, rules and regulation of all duly constituted government authorities, including laws with respect to boycott of Israel shall apply in the performance of this purchase order."
Prohibited Boycott Condition in a Contract:
"He shall not be boycotted whether in his personal capacity or as a company or establishment because of the violation of the Israeli Boycott Provisions in respect of establishments and companies operating abroad or contracts concluded through correspondence."
Prohibited Boycott Condition in a Tender:
"Engineer shall at its own expense and at all times comply with all laws, rules, regulations or requirements and any bodies having jurisdiction over the site and the access thereto and there from including, but not limited to, the Boycott of Israel Regulations."
Prohibited Boycott Condition in a repair order:
"Invoices must be endorsed with a certificate of origin that goods are not of Israeli origin and do not contain any Israeli material and are not shipped from any Israeli port."