GDPR: What are Joint Controllers?

GDPR: What are Joint Controllers?

The joint controller relationship arises more commonly than many people realize. For example, simple activities like running a Facebook Page or displaying the Facebook "Like Button" plugin on your website make you a joint controller with Facebook.

In this article, we'll look at how to define joint controllers, joint controller GDPR requirements, and how to create a "joint controller agreement." We'll be incorporating some of the recent guidance from the European Data Protection Board (EPDB).

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What are GDPR Joint Controllers?

To help you understand joint controllers, we need a quick refresher on the GDPR's definition of a "controller."

GDPR Controllers

Most of the GDPR's provisions are aimed at "data controllers" (controllers). Here's a quick re-cap on controllers, at Article 4 (7) of the GDPR:

EUR-Lex GDPR Article 4: Definition of Controller

For example, when Amazon personalizes recommended items based on previous purchases, it is acting as a controller.

GDPR Joint Controllers

Here's the GDPR's definition of "joint controllers," at Article 26:

EUR-Lex GDPR Article 26: Joint Controllers

A joint controller is a member of a group of controllers that "jointly determine the purposes and means of processing."

Article 26 also tells us that: