What to Include in Your Company Letterhead

In this modern age, where most communication is electronic and paper mail is mostly advertisements, you may reasonably ask, “Who the heck writes letters anymore?” (Or perhaps, “What the heck is a letter?”) You may, therefore, be excused for not knowing what “letterhead” is, what it’s for, or how to design a good one.

(For those too young to remember: Letterhead is a business’s custom pre-printed stationery. Before personal computers were common, when a company wanted to communicate with the outside world, someone would grab a sheet of the company’s letterhead, put it in a typewriter, and type out a letter, which would be placed in a matching envelope, sealed, stamped, and put in the mail.)

So, why would anyone care about letterhead anymore, much less spend money to have some printed up? Because there are still occasions when sending messages on paper is advantageous (and sometimes even required), and your letterhead is a component of your brand image. A well-designed letterhead, printed professionally on premium paper, is a way of saying, “I care about quality in every aspect of my business.”

Designing Effective Letterhead

Here are some things to consider when designing your letterhead:

Some final thoughts: Unless you know you are going to make extensive use of your letterhead, don’t buy a ton of it. All it takes is one change, such as your physical address or a phone number, to render your letterhead useless. This is another argument for keeping it simple; the more information you put on your letterhead, the more likely it is that something will change before you use all of it.

Of course, you could use the backside for scratch paper, but who uses scratch paper anymore?