Enrollment and Deadlines
Dear Graduate Students, please refer to this page for information about Registration/Enrollment.
- 12 units is considered full time enrollment for a Graduate Student.
- 6 units is half-timestudy enrollment.
- Please refer to the "Course Offerings" and "Courses Descriptions" to plan your graduate coursework.
- The Course Offerings are the planned SE courses for the Academic Year.
- The Course Descriptions provide the Prerequisites needed or Requirements that need to be met for the course.
- You may enroll in courses through WebReg on Tritonlink.
- Please note: due to seating limitations, do not enroll in more than 16 units for the quarter.
- Some courses may require Prerequisites and you may need to place a request through Enrollment Authorization System (EASy). If you'd like to request to enroll in a course with Prerequisites through EASy just ensure to comment under "Justification" that you've taken similar courses to the ones listed in "Prerequisites" and then submit your request.
Important Dates to Know:
Calendar with Registration Deadlines for the Academic Year and other Calendars with Deadlines on Triton Link
Enrollment FAQs:
I completed my B.S. at UCSD, can I retake an undergraduate course that I took for my B.S. for my M.S.?
I completed my B.S. at UCSD and completed a Co-Scheduled course on the Undergraduate side, can I retake it for the Graduate Side?
- No, the majority of the material is the same. You should not take the same course. Example of a Co-Scheduled Course: SE142/253A
Can I transfer a course I took in Undergraduate for my Graduate Degree?
- Yes, if it meets the requirements as set by Graduate Division:
- A student must submit proof that the course work to be transferred was not used to satisfy requirements for any other degree program. Degree checks or a letter from the institution from which the courses are being transferred will be required stating the courses were not used toward another degree.
- Eligible course work may not have been used to fulfill the requirements of any other degree, and must have been completed with a B- or better grade and must have been taken prior to enrollment as a graduate student at UC San Diego.